Dragon Ball Z


is an ancient and wise martial arts master and the first character to wield the trademark Kamehameha Though he seems frail, he is a mighty warrior. Master Roshi trained Grandpa Gohan and Ox-king Goku,Krillin, and Yamcha. His home, Kame House, a shack on a small isolated island, serves as a gathering place for the Z fighters and friends. He is both the archetypal wise old man and dirty old man, the latter being typical of shōnen manga. Sometimes, he gets cranky, which further provides comic relief. He is bald, with a thick fu man chu and a thick mustache.

 Kamehameha- is an energy blast of which Master Roshi created. He presumably taught it to Grandpa Gohan and then several of the Z Fighters of Earth, including Krillin and Yamcha. Goku figured out how to perform the technique after witnessing Master Roshi use it. Tien gained the ability to perform the Kamehameha, and double its power (something that was apparently retconned as the series continued), when he observed it from Yamcha. Majin Buu also learns the attack after seeing Goku use it. This is Goku's signature attack.
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