Dragon Ball Z


Krillin's appearance stays relatively the same for the majority of the series. He is first introduced at the age of thirteen, with a shaved head and still dressed in the clothing worn at the monastery he had been training at. He does not possess a nose, and has six spots of incense burns on his forehead, a reference to the practice of Shaolin monks.


Krillin has many abilities including, super-strength, super-speed, and the ability to fly using his chi energy, also known as Bukū-jutsu Air Dance Technique His main techniques include the Kamehameha lit. Turtle Striking Wave, an attack he learned from Roshi, which enables him to emit a powerful chi energy blast from his hands. Kakusandan , lit. "Spread Bullet"), another chi attack, involves firing two blasts, one from each hand, and merging them before directing the blast above an opponent where it will break up and rain down on them, he was only seen using this twice—the first time was very successful as he managed to wipe out three Saibamen with it.

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